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Devon Prep Students Make Face Shields For Frontline Workers From Home
Just from our small Devon Prep community, we have two different families that are stepping up and helping out frontline and essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sam ’23 is a member of FIRST FTC Team 7244 – Out of the Box Robotics. The team began making 3D printed face shields 3.5 weeks ago. The students, team mentors, and parents have been working on making the 3D printed face shields from their homes, and the members that do have 3D printers work around the clock.
So far FIRST FTC Team 7244 – Out of the Box Robotics has donated 810 face shields and 434 mask straps.

FTC Team 7244 Out of the Box Robotics is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit group and private robotics team that accepts students from all over the Chester County area. Please contact ftc7244@gmail.com for more information.

Alex ’20, Tyler ’22, and Dylan ’25 are three brothers who together created “ATD Products” where at home, they 3D print face shields and have been donating to local hospitals to help save lives. So far the boys have donated 60 masks between Main Line Health, and hospitals in the Lehigh Valley area.

If you would like to contact ATD Products, please email kennesonboys@gmail.com or visit their LinkedIn Profile for more information.