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Devon Prep Students Qualify for DECA Internationals!

Congratulations to Jack Shaw and James Kemm on their first place win at the DECA State Competition. Jack Shaw and Chase Kemm outscored the competition in the Sports and Entertainment Team Decision Category earning a 100% on the role play scenario. Mark Bennett had tough competition in the Principals of Finance individual competition, but his test and role play scenario scores earned him 3rd place among 45 competitors. And finally, Sophmore Zach Sebra placed 4th at PA DECA State Only Competition. Zach’s presentation on “How Subscription-Based Marketing Changed The Game” was innovative, energetic, and informative.
The DECA state competition consists of the best and brightest high school business students in Pennsylvania. Only the top five students in each category qualify to attend DECA International Competition. Devon Preps’ inaugural year of the DECA Chapter began September 2022. At the District 9 DECA Competition, 11 out of 13 Devon Prep students qualified for the PA State DECA Competition held at West Chester University in the Fall of 2022. This team included Chase Kemm, Jack Shaw, Mark Bennett, Zach Orchard, Eamonn Donovan, Harry Friend, Jason Dart, Joseph Chomko, Nick Walton, Ryan Samms, and Jackson Buzbee.
Congratulations to all the guys involved in DECA for your accomplishments!
DECA initiatives and achievements have been led by faculty member and Entrepreneurship teacher Mrs. Walker-Smith!